BANNED libGDX game from libGDX jam 18!!!
Like Tokyo drift, but in a segment of an asteroid belt. Made for September 2021 libGDX Game Jam.
Astro Drifter must be on the way to Earth to save Raeleus, because he has just been shot by Hideo Kojima during the loading scene. Furthermore, to finish Raeleus off, Hideo Kojima will smash him with an asteroid from outer space. Earth is on the other side of the universe. Time is of essence. Maxkcy has waited a long time for this, so that he can watch the Astro Drifter in action. Can Astro Drifter save Raeleus from the supreme game dev?
How to play:
just figure it out... or
press space or click activate and deactivate gravity press backspace or E to reset to checkpoint/startpoint press R to return to menu press M to mute music progress further and unlock higher difficulty levels by passing the highest unlocked level can you go past lvl 20? lvl 30!? lvl 40!!? lvl 50!!??!! 8) I made it to lvl 50
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Totally in the theme of the jam playing with zero G and not zero G. As I would like the game to be a bit different, it's a clear sign that it's already a good game! Astro Drifter is maybe a bit small, the Gravity "On/off" information a bit dark, on some curves we would like speedx2 or x4 button and move the camera to follow the drifter when it goes out of the screen. Anyway, really nice concept and enjoyable game ! Well done!
thanks for the suggestions. ill definitely add the speed up buttons and make the labels a bit larger, and do something for when the alien is out of sight